Cost-benefit analysis Panoramabahn Loser

In winter, the Loser Bergbahnen GmbH & Co. KG operates the Loser ski area above Altaussee, the fifth largest ski area in Styria. In summer, it operates the Loser Panoramastraße, a toll road that leads up to the Loser Alm at an altitude of around 1,600 meters.
Given that the operating permit for the double chairlift expires in 2022, Loser Bergbahnen GmbH & Co. KG was dealing with a fundamental reorganization of its existing infrastructure. With the required replacement installation, the aim was not only to improve the mountain's offering, but also to make it more future-proof and ecologically sustainable. The planned Loser Panoramabahn (10-seater EUB) replaces two old lifts and connects the three most important access points on the Loser. Photovoltaic installations as well as a small hydroelectric power plant are part of the project as well.
In contrast to the replaced lifts, the Loser Panoramabahn will also be operated in summer. From June to September, the Loser Panoramastraße is to be closed to motorized traffic during the operating time of the gondola lift. When operating in summer, it will also take on the role of a means of public transport.
The ecological, social and economic benefits and thus the advantages and eligibility for funding of the project are the subject of a cost-benefit analysis. Montenius Consult used the methodology of the so-called Standardisierte Bewertung von Verkehrswegeinvestitionen (Standardized Evaluation of Transport Infrastructure Investments), which is widely used in Germany. The currently planned project comprises investments amounting to almost 25 million euros.
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